50 Crosby

This Life Science Center will be home to a new state-of-the-art, 288,000 square foot building in Bedford, MA. This facility will support the life science sector by offering large, flexible open floor plans, amenity space and a robust base building lab infrastructure.

MMS was asked to provide a heating hot water penthouse with an energy recovery unit.

  • Penthouse included: (3) boilers, (3) boiler pumps, (3) hot water pumps, VFD’s and an energy recovery unit as well as associated electrical and controls scope.
  • This client wanted to maximize usable lab space and opted to utilize roof real estate with a modular heating hot water skid and energy recovery unit.
  • These units will be installed in July 2022 and full occupancy is expected by end of 2022.
  • Vertical: Life Science
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